For Women in Law By Women in Law

Ask Us Any LiL Thing: A Live Panel Discussion

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We are beyond excited to announce our upcoming event in partnership with the Allard Law Women’s Caucus!

Bring your questions and join us for an open conversation exploring the impact of the pandemic on women in law and how to cope. This free, virtual, lunch-time session on Monday, March 15, 2021, is a safe space where we can explore together how to navigate these challenging times. This is your opportunity to engage in conversation with a panel of LiL Advisors and Guest Bloggers of varying years of call and perspectives as they delve into the impact of the pandemic on their own practices and lives – seriously, ask them anything.

We will be answering questions throughout the event, but we also encourage attendees to submit their questions prior to the discussion here.

Please register by 12PM on March 15 by clicking here.

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