For Women in Law By Women in Law

Our Dear LiL Blog is made up of a wonderfully eclectic mix of topics and content relevant to our ‘lil community – that is to say women in law.

We often feature guest bloggers and welcome outside contributions as we believe alternative perspectives provide great value to our readers.

If you would like to submit a post for our consideration, we recommend that you review our blog to gain a sense of our style and tone. While your post should reflect your personal style, it should also complement the general tone of our blog which is informative yet approachable. We love displaying a bit of personality without being overly cheesy.

Reviewing our blog will also familiarize you with our existing content. Keeping our readers in mind, we like to avoid duplication and prefer to publish submissions that take a fresh and informative perspective on existing topics or new topics that will resonate with our community.

Still interested? Our submission requirements are set out below. We look forward to reading our proposed post.

  1. Be 100% original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
  2. be well-written, clear, and interesting;
  3. demonstrate your unique knowledge and value, and not be overly promotional;
  4. ensure all referenced data, articles and statistics are attributed and cited with hyperlinks;
  5. include a brief and friendly author bio (we recommend 75 words or less) and a high-quality, colour headshot (.jpg or .png).
  6. be 1,000 to 1,800 words in length.
  7. include a compelling headline; and
  8. be submitted as a Word Document (please do not submit .pages files as we are not able to access them).
  1. We reserve the right to reject contributions at our discretion.
  2. We reserve the right to edit, adapt, update, and republish contributions at our discretion, and update them in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
  3. Calls-to-action for Life in Law and/or Dear LiL Blog content may be added to published submissions.
  4. In rare cases, contributed posts may be removed from the Dear LiL Blog.
  5. Submissions must meet our quality standards in order to be published.
  6. While we encourage guest contributors to re-share their Life in Law blog post, guest contributors may not republish their published contribution in its entirety anywhere else, including to their own blog, LinkedIn, or any other social media or website.
  7. Once published, the post will be promoted across the Life in Law social media channels.


Click or drag a file to this area to upload.


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