For Women in Law By Women in Law

Celebrate your True Colours

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Pride is widely celebrated across Canada throughout the summer. No matter where in the country these celebrations take place, at the root of it all is the recognition of LGBTQIA2S+ rights in our own cities and around the world. It is important that we continue to reflect on the progress that has yet to be made, and how we can be better advocates and create space for all members of our community.

Due to COVID, this year’s parade in Vancouver has been cancelled, but as stated by the Vancouver Pride Society – Pride itself will not be. The celebration has been re-imagined and will take place virtually throughout the week and into the weekend, providing opportunities for the community to come together and celebrate all the differences that make each and every individual unique and powerful.

For a complete digital lineup of all the events taking place over #VanPride week, click here.


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