For Women in Law By Women in Law

Dear LiL: What is something you do on a daily basis to help reduce the stress you feel from the tug of war with life and law? Signed ~ Stressed

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Dear Stressed:

Every day I listen to podcasts. I choose to listen to podcasts that help me understand the mechanisms of stress and the possible solutions. Of course not every person feels stress in the same way and not all solutions are cookie cutter but the most important thing I have learned to date is that we need people. We need to be able to talk to someone who will listen empathically to our issues that drive our stress. That is what we hope we can bring to Life in Law.

And to begin I would like to share a podcast that I follow – Dr. Rangan Chatterjee Feel Better, Live More. He has changed the way I look at stress. Every day in my car, instead of depressing news or music I cannot understand the words to, I listen to something that just makes me feel better. I hope it helps you too.

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