For Women in Law By Women in Law

Life in Law Advisor Spotlight – Say Hello to Maureen!

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“My one piece of advice to up and coming women lawyers is don’t bail too early. Life happens. Other responsibilities may take attention from your career for a time or influence some of your career decisions. In the end, your career can look quite different from what you originally envisioned. But ultimately all of those experiences and responsibilities will bring satisfaction to your life. I have been practicing law continuously since 1983 and have been a partner at Harper Grey for 30 years.  I love my career and the life I’ve built as a lawyer, wife and mother, and I want to tell other women that it can be well worth sticking with it.

I volunteer as an advisor to provide insight for all those wondering about future implications of certain career decisions at critical points in life. I’ve had the privilege of knowing many women lawyers including law school mates, friends, colleagues and clients who have made different choices regarding their careers due to children, marriage, finances – the list goes on. I have observed and experienced first-hand how these types of decisions affect your career and satisfaction down the line. Everyone’s choice is ultimately their own, but if you want to be a lawyer make sure you give your career the time it deserves to develop. I want other women to feel the same sense of satisfaction I do after 37 years of practicing law.”

-Maureen Lundell, Life in Law Advisor and Partner at Harper Grey LLP

The Life in Law team is made up of a group of Harper Grey women lawyers who volunteer their time as advisors on a weekly basis answering phone calls, monitoring the live chat on our website and responding to questions through the Dear LiL blog. We are growing organically through word of mouth – and we’d be delighted if you shared our posts with your network. If you’re interested in connecting please reach out to us through one of our social media channels or via email at [email protected]

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