For Women in Law By Women in Law

Life in Law is sincere in its awakening to longstanding racial inequities and taking action and doing what we can to effect positive change.

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As women in law supporting women in law, we understand first-hand the strength of a collective of women and how beneficial it is for us to come together and support each other. Black Women Connect Vancouver came to our attention as one of the few organizations that provides that same sense of community for black women in Vancouver. This amazing collective empowers black women across the lower mainland by providing connection, support, and resources to help them feel united and strong. We encourage you to learn more about them by visiting their website here.

Today, we donated $1,000 to Black Women Connect Vancouver to assist in their community-building efforts. While we understand this contribution is only the beginning of our commitment to the black community in Vancouver, we are excited to invest in relationships that will ultimately help foster equality and combat racism and discrimination.

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