For Women in Law By Women in Law

Life in Law stands with the Black Law Students’ Association to increase representation of black professionals in the legal community.

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We are delighted to announce our support of the free LSAT Intensive course hosted by the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) at the Peter A. Allard School of Law. The course is offered by Dr. Hadiya Roderique (author of “Black on Bay Street”) and is an application-based course focused on logic games for black-identifying students who qualify for low-income status.

The BLSA is now able to offer two sections of the course from late-August to September 2020. To learn more about course details and the application procedure, visit the UBC BLSA’s Facebook Page (@ubcblsa), Instagram (@ubcblsa) or click here.

All other questions regarding this program can be directed to: [email protected]

Life in Law is proud to have played a role in providing students with this learning opportunity and looks forward to partnering with BLSA UBC again in the future. Read more about BLSA and the amazing work they’re doing across Canada here.

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