For Women in Law By Women in Law

The LiL Guest Blogger Portal is Now Live!

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Do you have a piece of advice or a strategy that has worked for your career that you’d like to share with the LiL community? Something you’re just itching to write about? A fresh and informative perspective on an existing topic perhaps? Well, we would love to hear about it! The Dear LiL blog is made up of a variety of posts not only from our LiL advisors, but contributions from Guest Bloggers as well because we believe alternative perspectives provide great value to our readers.

Which is why we’re excited to announce that our Guest Blogger portal is now live on the Life in Law website! It is a one-stop-shop for prospective bloggers to find out all the information they need to know and a way to submit their posts directly to the website. Check it out here and happy blogging!


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