For Women in Law By Women in Law

The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.

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Pressing “Pause” on a Life in Law: Will Your Career Recover (And Do You Care?)

We are excited to welcome to our blog our latest Guest Blogger, Suzannah Denholm of Hamilton Duncan, who offers valuable insight on pressing the pause button on her legal career and shares the honest reality of that decision. more

Non-Billable Work – Why Should I Do it?

For me, non-billable work has always been a struggle and it always seems to be in competition with billable hours. This feeling is personally driven by the well-known fact that billable work reaps a monetary reward. It drives compensation and so non-billable activity generally takes a back seat. I expect I’m not alone in my struggle. Additionally, I think women have historically taken on more of what might be seen as the “office house-work” tasks in a law firm which have gone and continue to go unnoticed in the compensation process. So how can we change this mindset? In researching this issue I came across a paper published in the Texas Law Review “The Cost of Non-Billable Work” written by Martha M. Ertman. This paper is a very dense read but for me it was worth it. The author put… more

“Dear Lil – how did you decide over the articling year what area(s) of law you wanted to practice?” Signed ~ So Many Options

Dear So Many Options: I am often asked by students how I decided on my chosen area of practice (I practice as a solicitor in business law with a focus on indigenous law). What worked for me was to more

“Dear LiL: How do you ensure empathy remains a core part of your practice when it is neither a valued nor encouraged trait amongst other lawyers in big firms?” Signed ~ Do I Care Too Much?

Dear Do I Care Too Much: Along with legal acumen and work ethic, I believe empathy to be an essential component to what makes a successful lawyer. In my opinion, law firms that do not recognize this are no longer more

A step towards increasing diversity within the legal profession.

Since the conception of Life in Law, our main goal has been to help stem the exodus of women from the practice of law and we have been continually and diligently searching for practical and meaningful steps we can take to make that happen. Last June, we pledged to advocate for real change and challenge the systemic racism and discrimination that continues to hinder the legal profession. “We are excited to announce that we have established the University of Victoria (UVic) Faculty of Law Life in Law Diversity Award”, says co-founder Kim Jakeman. “We began working with UVic last year and are pleased to finally be able to share the news.” The Life in Law Diversity Award will award $1,000 each year to an undergraduate Black, Indigenous, Person of Colour (BIPOC) woman student entering the UVic Faculty of Law. The… more


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