For Women in Law By Women in Law

The format of our Blog is unique. It was created as a place to ask questions and to read real-life stories to learn and grow from. Our advisors have a wonderful mix of experience and are eager to share their insights on the issues women in the profession face and the topics many do not feel comfortable broaching. Step into our Blog and learn how to enhance your career and personal – and professional – lives.

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Please note that your question will not be posted or answered directly. Each question or concern will be considered and addressed topically in a Blog post format.

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So go on, ask us a question

Dear LiL: I see you have made a commitment to raising your voice against racism and discrimination. Any suggestions about how to better understand and address unconscious biases? Signed ~ Learning & Growing

Dear Learning & Growing: Unconscious bias is a phenomena that naturally developed with the evolution of the human mind. We all hold unconscious, biologically hardwired preferences. Some of these preferences are helpful to our survival, but some can be detrimental to effective function in an inclusive society. In order to address these unconscious biases we need to be honest with ourselves about them. more

Congratulations Rose Keith!

Congratulations to Life in Law Advisor and Harper Grey lawyer, Rose Keith, QC, on her recent appointment as Chair of the CBABC Women Lawyers Forum (WLF)! WLF promotes and supports women’s influence in law by identifying a need for programs, plans and systems that promote their capacity within the legal profession, and currently has a following of approximately 1300 subscribers! more

Life in Law Advisor Spotlight – Introducing Lara Zee

“My one piece of advice to up and coming women lawyers is to challenge expectations. There is more than one path to success and lots of different ways to be successful. I volunteered as an Advisor because it is hard sometimes to be a lawyer, let alone an up and coming woman lawyer, and we could all use the support.” – Lara Zee, Life in Law Advisor and Partner at Harper Grey LLP more

We Will Do Better. We Will Take Action. We Will Advocate for Real Change.

We believe in equal rights for everyone and the racially driven events of recent times in both Canada and the US weigh heavily on us. It is not enough to say that we stand in solidarity with the fight against racism – we must raise our voice and take active steps to challenge systemic racism and discrimination, and to impact positive change. more

Dear LiL: I am a young female lawyer and feel disrespected by assistants who treat the male lawyers differently. What can I do? Signed ~ Disrespected

Dear Disrespected: I raised a similar issue with male colleagues early on in my career and was told it was “in my head” and that “everyone knows that women are harder to work with.” This response, to put it colloquially, SUCKED! It both suggested that my judgment was poor and was not constructive. Instead, consider the following: more


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